Friday, November 30, 2007

Have a great weekend!


Sorry about this late post. It's been one of those weeks!

My social studies class just left. We had a great discussion on how the tilt of the Earth affects temperatures. After the discussion, the students got on the Internet program "Vozme" and wrote about what they had learned. Vozme will read back what the students have written.

Just a reminder - the Language! classes are assigned homework several times a week. Please check with your child in the evenings to make sure they have completed this.

Both Language! classes are having Fluency Builder timings today. I'm hoping each student gets to at least 50 words a minute.
Some have already gotten to 100!

We continue to read from our independent reading books and have individual reading conferences. Please ask your child to tell you about the book they are reading.

That's all for this week.

More on Monday!

Thanks for logging on.

Marjorie Zeedyk