Hello Parents!
Happy President's Day!
Let me tell you what is happening in Room 109.
In Language! class we have started Unit 19. This unit focuses on reading and spelling words with r-controlled vowels. Today the students used the "Say and Type" technique to practice these words.
We have also started a new story in our J&J practice readers. It is called Gram and Gramps Marks. And it is packed full with words that contain r-controlled vowels.
For Read Aloud we have started reading some historical fiction titled My Brother Sam is Dead. The setting of this book is America during the Revoluntionary War.
In Social Studies (this is just for the seventh graders), we have started a unit on the life of
Abraham Lincoln.
Also, for your information, mid-term grade reports come home this Friday.
Have a great week!
Marjorie Zeedyk