Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time for Testing

Hello Parents/Guardians,

I hope everyone is coping with this winter freeze.  By the weekend we should be seeing some milder temperatures.  Think spring!

The Riverside students are now involved in the MontCAS testing.  Yesterday they started the reading sessions.  Today they will finish the reading.  On Tuesday they will complete the math sessions.  Please remind your kids to do their best.  Also remind them that they are not graded on these.  These will in no way affect their school grades.  This may alleviate some of the stress.

The 8th grade Language! students have taken over the literature blog for the next couple of weeks.  Our new post is concerning Joan of Arc.  This relates to the book we are using for Read Aloud.  We invite you to visit and leave your comment.  

Language! students have also been using a new internet program called Google Docs to review concepts in collaboration with other classes in the building.

Social studies students have finished their projects on Central America and are presenting them this week.  Two of the students are presenting with Powerpoint.

Riverside will have it's spring choral concert on Monday, March 16th at 7:30 p.m.  Students in the concert need to be here by 6:45.

The girl's volleyball season has also started.  You can call the school for game times.  Come support our volleyball teams!

One more thing.  Please encourage your kids to bring their Riverside planners to school everyday.  They really are a great organizational tool.

That's all for now.  Till next time.

Marjorie Zeedyk