Hello Parents/Guardians!
It is again time for a new post to inform you of what is going on in Room 109. All classes in 109 are now involved in projects incorporating some digital photography. The students have taken pictures with a digital camera and turned them into slideshows. They have recently created an "Easter Decorating" and a "Riverside" slideshow. They are very good. The eighth grade Language! class will be starting a digital slideshow depicting what is involved in "synthesis" level thinking. Very exciting!
This week students are taking the NWEA district-wide achievement tests. Please make sure your child/children are getting to bed early and eating a good breakfast so as to perform their best on these tests. They are being tested in the areas of reading, language, and math.
All Language! students will have a Fluency Builder timing on Friday. Please practice the Fluency Builder with your kids on Thursday evening. It is their homework to do this. Thank you.
Next week, when NWEA testing is completed, we will return to literature blogging in the Language! classes. Students will be responding to a post related to the book we are reading in class. It is historical fiction. Great book!
The seventh grade social studies class is studying US landforms. Ask them to list them for you.
Also ask them to describe the southwest part of our country for you. They also have learned about the famous artist, Georgia O'Keeffe, who fell in love with this part of the country and spent a large part of her life painting here.
That's all for now. Call me if you have questions.
Marjorie Zeedyk
109 Riverside