Friday, August 29, 2008

A New Schhol Year

Hello Parents!

Classes at Riverside are in full swing.

My name is Marjorie Zeedyk.  I publish the posts on this parent blog.  I teach two Language! blocks and one Social Studies class.  Hopefully, this blog will serve as a great communication
tool for us this year.  Please come to this site frequently to find out what is happening in my classes.  I will also inform you of other important things happening at Riverside.

Students in my Language! classes need to bring a few things - a three ring binder and a spiral notebook.  Some of the students have already brought these in.  Thank you!  

My Social Studies students need to have one pocket folder.  That's all!

All students at Riverside were given a Riverside Planner.  Very handy!  Each student needs to bring $5.00 to pay for the planner.  Again, some of the students have already brought the money.  Thank you. 

We will be having an all-school Open House on Thursday, Sept. 4th at 7:00.  All parents are welcome and encouraged to come.  Hope to see you there!

Let's have a great year!


Marjorie Zeedyk